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Firmung . Confirmation  
27 September 2016


How old does one need to have to be confirmed?
What are the requirements to be confirmed?

According to the general law of the Roman Catholic Church, it is possible to receive confirmation from 7 years old on.

In practice, in our diocese, as a rule, the age of confirmation is 17 years minimum. One has to contact the parish priest. One can be confirmed at any age, even as an adult.

It is necessary to be ready to deepen one’s faith by appropriate and adequate preparation and a willingness to commit to the Church.

Why do I need confirmation?

The Church requires confirmation for entering a religious order to become a deacon or to receive the sacrament of orders.

To become a sponsor resp. godmother or godfather, confirmation is mandatory.

The Church recommends confirmation for access to marriage.
Confirmation is required for those who are active in the Church.

Ä e r z b i s t u m    L ë t z e b u e r g   .   A r c h e v ê c h é   d e   L u x e m b o u r g    .   
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