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Bestietnes . Mariage  
13 September 2016

Marriage - union is strength

A man and a woman meet. They get acquainted, they become friends, they realize that they love each other, they learn more about themselves, they discover that their love for each other is growing. They learn to trust each other and have decided to live their life together. The church hopes that those who have decided to live their whole lives with one another seal this decision with an alliance between them that is to say, get married and start a family.

For the Catholic Church marriage is a sacrament which the bride and groom administer themselves to themselves before a priest and in the presence of witnesses. They promise to one another fidelity for better and for worse, until death depart them. The love between man and woman is the expression of the Love of God and humanity, the Love between Christ and the Church.

Marriage is indissoluble for Catholics because they are convinced that what God has joined should not be separated. The sacrament of marriage is to help men and women to prolong their love and allow their children to grow in stability.

Ä e r z b i s t u m    L ë t z e b u e r g   .   A r c h e v ê c h é   d e   L u x e m b o u r g    .   
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